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Um paraíso verde entre Penedo e Visconde de Mauá

O Local

Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) da Serrinha do Alambari está situada no município de Resende (Rio de Janeiro), na encosta leste do Parque Nacional de ItatiaiaSerra da Mantiqueira, a oeste da estrada para Visconde de Mauá (Resende) (RJ-163). Ela abrange as comunidades de Serrinha e Capelinha, protegendo a parte alta das microbacias dos rios Alambari e Pirapitinga.

Sua área total corresponde a 4.500 hectares. Está localizada na Região das Agulhas Negras e é admirada por sua paisagem montanhosa e belas cachoeiras de águas frias e cristalinas, além de ser considerada uma importante Estância Climática do estado do Rio de Janeiro.


Until the end of the 19th century, a large part of Serrinha do Alambari was covered by Atlantic forest e constituted the least exploited part of some farms. Part of the land was used at the height of the coffee cycle in Resende. Throughout the first half of the 20th century, farms were divided into smaller properties dedicated to farming. Mainly rice, beans, corn, cassava and bananas were planted, in addition to the fruit trees that are always present in Brazilian backyards, such as jabuticaba trees, guava trees, tangerine trees, lemon trees and orange trees, among many others. However, poor soils did not allow for further development of agriculture in the area. As of 1940s, a disorderly occupation began, with wood extraction, charcoal production and land dismemberment. At this time, shortly after the creation of the Itatiaia National Park - the first in Brazil, deforestation in Serrinha intensified. The Camping and Top Club roads (Artisans road) did not yet exist. The wood and coal were transported by trails on donkeys to the point where the sale and square are located today, and there they were loaded onto trucks for Resende.

Montanhas da Serrinha do Alambari

A partir da década de 1940, teve início uma ocupação desordenada, com extração de madeira, produção de carvão e desmembramento das terras. Nesta época, logo após a criação do Parque Nacional de Itatiaia - o primeiro do Brasil, intensificou-se o desmatamento na Serrinha. Não existiam ainda as estradas do Camping e do Top Club (estrada dos Artesãos). A madeira e o carvão eram transportados por trilhas em lombo de burro até o ponto onde hoje está a venda e a praça e ali eram embarcados em caminhões para Resende.


Nos 1980s, the growth in demand for natural environments by the inhabitants of large cities, in addition to the increase in population, had serious consequences on water resources in the region. Neighboring Penedo, Visconde de Mauá and the Itatiaia National Park, Serrinha also suffers the effects of urban and tourist occupation. On the other hand, as the demand for services for tourism and new homes increased, vegetation regenerated in pastures and abandoned crops. Today, the presence of secondary forest with the aspect of primary forest is remarkable.

desenho das montanhas serrinha do alambari

In 1989, the Association of Residents, AMOROSA, in view of the degradation verified in the neighboring localities, took to the public power its concern with the lack of a policy of sustainable occupation of the soil. The Municipality of Resende then created the Working Group for the Integrated Development of Serrinha (GTS), composed of environmentalists such as Edgar Kuhlmann, Luis Felipe Cesar, André Vieira, Ricardo Menescal, Maria Helena Fonseca da Conceição and Eliel Queiroz, among several residents, representatives of municipal, state and federal public authorities, as well as civil society organizations with an interest in the field of environmental protection. This process culminated in the implementation of the Serrinha Environmental Protection Area (APA), created by Municipal Law 1726 of 1991. This was the first municipal conservation unit in Resende. This work was consolidated with the APA Master Plan (Law No. 1,845 of May 20, 1994), prepared by architects Ricardo Menescal and Renato Menescal.

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